Hanger Slots

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Dave11116, Apr 2, 2021.

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  1. Dave11116

    Dave11116 User

    You should put hanger slots up for purchase during events, with event currency. You give us lots of planes to buy but most people have no where to put them. So you should let us purchase hanger slots of all sizes during the events
    wojtekpl999 and Jetter2095 like this.
  2. Jetter2095

    Jetter2095 User

    You know I see that as a awesome idea it's great to have free space for planes! It be really good to get money back from planes if you want to sell them or better sell them to friends! you know as a also secondary idea?
    madmax100 and wojtekpl999 like this.