
Discussion in 'Who is Who - The Players' started by gotuzil49, Oct 16, 2021.

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  1. gotuzil49

    gotuzil49 User

    Hello, I have airport in Czech republic and I´m level 56. My planes are down:

    Small planes:
    1x Rama-falcon***
    1x Rama-falcon
    1x 1930sracer-hughes****
    1x 1930sracer-hughes*
    1x 1930sracer-hughes
    1x Rama-XS-superexpress****
    1x Rama-XS-express****
    1x Rama-XS-Express
    1x Romant-O-Rama
    1x Ramaliner-XS-turbo****
    1x Ramaliner-Eclipse ****
    2x Ramaliner-Eclipse*
    1x Rama-xs_turbo****
    2x Rama-S-Quatro****
    1x 1930sracer-Mr. Mulligan ****
    1x Rufus MK II
    1x 1930sracer-bulldog****
    1x Rama-xplore*
    1x Rama-Xplore
    1x Spaceship one****
    1x 1930sracer-geebee****
    1x Darfyke-skybird
    1x Rama-speedycargo
    1x Rama-XS-cargo****
    1x Pirate plane* (I dont know its english name)
    1x Rama-XS-cargo*
    1x Rama global cargo****

    Medium planes:
    1x Ramaliner-M****
    1x Pumpkin Jumbo
    1x Zero G***
    1x Peace plane***
    1x Rama M Skelemoto***
    1x Rama-M-superturbo
    1x Rama-superxplore****
    1x Skyrama 858****
    1x MillionAir X
    1x White orbit M
    1x Escargo-T*
    3x Rama-M-cargo
    1x Santa glaze*
    1x 20x Zero G

    Large planes:

    1x Pumpkin heli
    1x Ramacopter-express*
    1x Ramacopter-express
    1x Rama-Ambulance****
    1x Rama-Ambulance
    1x Ramacopter-Steady*
    1x Ramacopter-Skyrane***
    1x Camo-copter****
    1x Hell-o-copter
    1x Prezentcopter
    1x Ramacopter-seaking
    1x Earwing
    1x Eazy-135

    1x Searama-solo
    1x Searama-Aphimb
    1x Hairmes ultra
    1x Ramaliner-xplore
    1x Sky-HOH
    1x Klabauter Jet
    1x Rama-firefighter*
    1x Searama-clipper
    1x Rama-M-quatro***
    1x Searama-Aqua

    If I will buy or upgrade a plane, I will edit this :)
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2021
    Kamarad421 and wennedoo like this.
  2. gotuzil49

    gotuzil49 User

    Updated 23th October 2021 16:09 czech time
    Kamarad421 likes this.
  3. gotuzil49

    gotuzil49 User

    This is old. I got much more planes now. But I am not going to update it, I want to keep this as a piece of nostalgia.
  4. gotuzil49

    gotuzil49 User

    Nobody reads this but that doesn´t matter, here is an update from 18th January 2025:
    S hangar:
    5x Rama Falcon***
    1x Spring express***
    1x 1930s racer - hughes****
    1x Rama-XS-SuperExpress****
    1x Rama-XS-Express****
    1x Romant-o-Rama*
    1x Ramaliner-XS-Turbo****
    3x Ramaliner-Eclipse****
    1x Rama-XS-Turbo****
    1x Dr. Decker
    2x Euromol***
    5x Rama-XS-Quatro****
    1x Monarch-BT-Fly
    4x Skyathlon***
    3x Létající slad***
    1x 1930s Racer - Mr. Mulligan****
    20x COLS-2
    10x COLS-1
    20x Flash McWing
    10x Cupid Arrow
    10x Poly-Gone
    10x Jetstream HP-1
    100x Rufus MK II****
    7x EAS-S1
    57x Ja-lopy
    3x Ultralight UA
    2x Ultralight ES
    5x Ultralight DE
    5x Ultralight GB-ENG
    7x Pearl P40
    1x Létající talíř
    1x 1930s Racer - Bulldog****
    10x Rama-Xplore****
    5x VALS-2
    5x Nemesis
    10x Pocket rocket
    5x Cupid Amor plus
    5x Aero-Dynamo
    25x Dedarama****
    200x Spaceship one****
    5x Sp4cesh1p-2024***
    3x VALS-1
    1x Vichřice
    1x Hádě
    5x Jetliner AX 18
    4x 1930s racer - GeeBee****
    5x Green hawk***
    10x Bug hopper
    1x Darkfyre skybird***
    2x Pigeon Milenium S***
    1x Rama-Speedycargo****
    1x Rama-XS-Cargo****
    1x Rama-Outback**
    1x Buccan-air**
    1x Rama global cargo****
    4x Rama-XS-cargo****
    5x Rama-XS-cargo**
    26x Rama-XS-cargo*

    M hangar
    2x Ramaliner-M****
    1x Caloric bomber
    3x Ramaliner-VELIKObus
    1x Pumpkin Jumbo
    1x Rama-M-Turbo****
    2x Rama-Xperience****
    1x Zero G***
    10x Goliath***
    1x Peace plane***
    1x Rama M Skelemoto***
    1x Pink plane
    25x Rama-M-SuperTurbo****
    3x Teflon plane X20****
    10x Thunder
    6x S3KC-390
    5x Airow****
    1x Air-Bopp****
    3x Had-Air
    5x Sumo (M)
    7x VIP (Very important plane)***
    1x Rama-Super-Xplore****
    7x Fr4nk-Enst31n
    3x Cupid canon
    2x OLMP-Marathoner
    2x 777 IT
    5x 777 DE
    5x 777 GB-ENG
    2x Boomerama
    7x Air-macchi 339
    20x Lancelot****
    40x SP4CE-MP
    3x Cupid canon plus
    2x Darkfyre Century
    3x GOLD-Marathoner
    5x Triple Fury****
    5x Triple Fury
    1x Big Arrow Q4***
    2x Albatrosolar
    5x Big bang
    5x Sky shuttle****
    5x Sky shuttle
    107x Skyrama 858****
    1x MillionAir X****
    2x XMAS-M3***
    5x XMAS-M2***
    5x XMAS-M1***
    5x A. I. R. 1020****
    3x MCH4-Tiger***
    5x Champ-Marathoner
    2x Streamair Ultra***
    5x Tri-ace****
    5x White Orbit M***
    1x Escargo-T****
    3x Sky Shuttle M
    8x Rama-M-Cargo****
    57x Rama-M-Cargo
    1x Santa Glaze**
    5x Bloating 777
    1x Transport-Air
    5x Rama-M-SuperCargo****
    20x Calavera
    20x Zero G X20

    L hangar
    2x H155-XL-Python***
    1x Redwind V1***
    10x Ogoriv****
    1x SRBE2024-LP02
    7x Corn Cod 1****
    5x SRS-LP1
    10x Ontonav-C
    10x Dr4-cula
    1x Icetonav-1
    3x Icetrain 38
    2x Airtrain 38****
    5x SRS-LP2
    2x Mega Cupid plus
    2x Iceing 636
    1x SRBE2024-LP04***
    10x Ice frost express plus***
    10x Ontonav-1****
    2x SRBE2024-LP05
    1x Redstar V1
    10x Corn Cod 2****
    10x SP4C3-LP***
    10x Iceing 636 X20****
    5x Zebra Swift Runner***
    5x Redfire V1***
    2x Energetic Predator**
    2x Hurri-ken****
    38x Mikhail

    Ramacopter Hangar
    1x Ramaliner-Special****
    1x Pumpkjn Copter***
    1x Ramacopter-Express****
    1x Rama-Ambulance****
    1x Rama-Ambulance
    1x Ramacopter-Steady****
    1x Ramacopter-Steady
    1x Ramaliner-MX-Copter****
    5x SEP24-HAB
    3x Ja-loony
    5x Gyrocopter
    20x L4g0-R0k-3t***
    10x SupAir-Puma CE522
    2x AW-zero III****
    20x C-king SW61
    5x Medic-Air
    10x StandTall-HAB***
    1x Beercopter**
    1x Turbeen***
    1x Dvojkoptéra***
    1x Ramacopter-Skycrane****
    1x Ramacopter-Skycrane
    1x Jingle blades
    1x Camo-copter****
    1x Hell-o-Copter
    2x Tetracopter
    2x Prezentkopter
    1x Ramacopter-Seaking****
    1x Airchild B105***
    1x HiZpeed XVA****
    40x Earwing
    2x Boogie 69
    50x EaZy-135****
    2x GOLD-jumper
    10x M3ga-01****
    3x Darkfyre-Copter***
    1x Laughing Hyena***
    5x Star Wolf***
    2x Ramacopter Starboard
    5x Skykea
    20x Ho-Ho-Heli Cargo**
    7x Hinderburg

    Seaplane hangar
    1x Searama-Solo****
    1x Searama-Amphib****
    1x Cessnair CN280***
    1x Křídlo-Air G-21***
    1x Vitamin-C
    1x Klabauter jet
    2x Glitteratus***
    3x Cupid wings
    2x Hairmes Ultra
    2x Ponor-Air 2000
    1x Ramaliner-Xplore****
    23x Sky-HOH****
    3x Cupid wings plus
    1x Gold-swimmer***
    8x Tsunami
    2x Ice Skater X20****
    5x ThreeRama-Aqua***
    1x Beach Sommair
    2x Flying Dutchman
    1x Rama-Firefighter****
    1x Searama-Frosty
    1x Searama-clipper****
    10x Rama-M-Quatro****
    1x Searama-Aqua****
    10x Aviolander D-42***
    5x Amphib 2000
    1x Flipp-Air****
    10x Dundee
    25x Polair EB6***
    5x Neptune 5
    20x C-star****
    20x C-star
    Trumaldigo likes this.