Gold-hurdler issues

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Attila1974Bp, Mar 21, 2024.

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  1. Hello dear operators,
    my gold hurdler helicopters cant be sent out, they are reasy to fly, but as soon as I click on them again, the game drops me to "reload skarama". This lasts for an hour now and I cant play on. Please help me somehow.
    Yours sincerely:
    Kmhales likes this.
  2. Kmhales

    Kmhales User

    There is a huge outage at the moment - cant send any planes. The team are aware but not sure how long itll be to fix it
  3. maontje

    maontje User

    The only planes you can send are Cargo planes. Each planes wich can give event tokens results in a TF
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