funny name for S3KC 390

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by arcorama, Sep 23, 2024.

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  1. arcorama

    arcorama User

    my S3KC 390 is named av.building.sep2024_cargo. Restart does not help. any ideas? cargo?
  2. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello arcorama,

    please empty the cache in the client (top left -> Settings -> Empty cache).

    Then close the client and restart it, then everything should be displayed correctly again.

    Kind regards,
  3. arcorama

    arcorama User

    Hello Flight-Attendant,
    it does not work (tried it 2 times):oops:
    Don't mind, I can start and land them:)
  4. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello arcorama,

    thank you for your feedback.
    Support has checked this and the planes are displayed correctly. Here is a picture:

    Flughafen EN..png

    So the problem is with you, there are no other problems with the plane.

    Kind regards,
  5. arcorama

    arcorama User

    I do not know how to add a picture here but the name is still avbuilding.sep2024.....
    Don't worry, everything works fine.

    you can close this
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2024
  6. arcorama

    arcorama User

    check in in german: S3KC390
    check in en francais: avbuilding.......
  7. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello arcorama,

    thank you for your kind feedback.:)

    We have checked this and found that the problem exists with both new planes and also with other national languages.

    Thank you, we have forwarded this.:)

    Kind regards,

    Edit: The problem has now been resolved, so I am closing this thread.:)

    ~Thread closed~
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2024
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