Bug Friends Passengers not counting?

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by MLGMagicHoodini, Aug 16, 2024.

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  1. I'm unsure if bug or what? But I had 33 Passengers, I went to visit a friend and collect their passengers, and from like 10+ Buildings? It went from 33 to 37...
    I don't know if we get 1 Per building? Or something is broken
    And if we only get 1 Per building then there needs be a massive change, cause holy

    Here's another example, before 76 Passengers[​IMG]
    After I'm at 81
  2. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Board Administrator Team Skyrama

    Hello MLGMagicHoodini,

    when visiting buddies, you get a maximum of 5 passengers. You can find information about this "FAQ Passengers".

    Kind regards,
  3. Only 5??? Why?? That's terrible gameplay mechanic? Some planes (at least on my level) require 200 Passengers, So visiting a friend won't do anything to help, it's like 0.5% not mention we also lose passengers after 5 Days
  4. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Board Administrator Team Skyrama

    Hello MLGMagicHoodini,

    to regenerate passengers, you need to set up profitable passenger buildings. The ones they set up are less suitable.
    In events, you can often purchase such buildings.

    Kind regards,
  5. BrideElena

    BrideElena User

    Hello MLGMagicHoodini, you need a better strategy. Put the buildings you don't need every day into the storage. I'm pretty sure you don't use the construction hall, engineering bay, recycling center daily. Hide the passenger generating buildings which take too much space but do not generate enough passengers. I recommend you buy as many Observatorsky (event shop) as you can if you have enough event currency. It's tiny & you can put it everywhere. One more hint. Passenger generating buildings generate passengers even if they're in your storage, but you need to take the building out to collect passengers, maybe refresh. Then you can hide it again.