fly by banners

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by bluejeanz, May 3, 2015.

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  1. bluejeanz

    bluejeanz User

    It would be great if we could design our own banners as long as they were approved first
    it would add a bit more fun to the game and the users,as half the time the banners
    there are don't suit the occasion.
    Just a thought,as some have talent to design banners.:):cool::eek: Lynda aka Bluejeanz
    Norway likes this.
  2. boeing787

    boeing787 User

    Great idea
  3. good idea because typing thing suck's + it doesn't look good when you type them.
    Norway likes this.
  4. I agree, at least up date the banners to be more polite and maybe "Thumbs up" sign, or "Your Airport Rocks", just my thoughts.:)
    Norway likes this.