Flight Times - 2025

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Flight-Attendant, Jan 3, 2025.

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  1. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Dear Airport Managers,

    please use this thread if you want to tell others when you are online :).

    Which information should your post contain?
    • Your Ingame name
    • Your User ID
    • Your flight times (usually for a specific day)
    • Additional information (which planes you might service, active Quick Service, etc.)

    Please do not ask for new buddies or planes here. There's a different thread for that ;).

    Your Skyrama Team
    mapelu likes this.
  2. *Olli83*

    *Olli83* User

    Salut les amis!
    Hello Buddy´s!

    My flight times on MONDAY the 06.01.2025

    9°° a.m. - 4 p.m.

    (German Time)

    Name : *Olli83*
    UserId : 10355953
    Country : France
    Level : 85

    Quickservice (QS) is active.

    BON VOL ! ! !
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2025
    mapelu likes this.
  3. ChriWa76

    ChriWa76 User

    Hello pilots!

    My airport is open on Monday, January 06, 2025 from 09:00 a.m. to receive and dispatch planes until 06:00 p.m. (german time)
    The lamp stays off (probably), but I'm there. QS is enabled.

    Best regards Chris

    Name: ChriWa76
    UserID: 10212186
    Country Germany
    Level: 87
    mapelu likes this.
  4. BLONDI2011

    BLONDI2011 User


    My Airport is open:
    Friday 17.01
    Saturday 18.01
    Sunday 19.01

    2:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. (Polish time).
    Always QS is active.

    Name: BLONDI2011
    UserID: 2529673
    Airport Texas
    Level : 90
    mapelu likes this.
  5. Joa

    Joa User

    I'm looking for players who are in the Mexico airport game so I can do missions, I need them to send me thirty planes my name is fds0 Busco jugadores que estén en el juego del aeropuerto de México para poder hacer misiones, necesito que me envíen treinta aviones mi nombre es fds0
  6. Laurenz

    Laurenz User

    my airport is open on Sunday, 19.01.2025 from 08.00 a.m. to receive planes until 23.00 p.m. :D
    QS is active.

    Name: Laurenz
    User ID: 12600678
    Level: 73
    country: Germany
  7. *Olli83*

    *Olli83* User

    Hello Buddy´s!

    My flight times on SATURDAY the 08.02.2025

    9°° a.m. - 10°° p.m.
    (German Time)

    Name : *Olli83*
    UserId : 10355953
    Country : France
    Level : 85

    Quickservice (QS) is active.

    BON VOL ! ! !
  8. *Olli83*

    *Olli83* User

    Hello Buddy´s!

    My flight times on SUNDAY the 09.02.2025

    9°° a.m. - 10°° p.m.
    (German Time)

    Name : *Olli83*
    UserId : 10355953
    Country : France
    Level : 85

    Quickservice (QS) is active.

    BON VOL ! ! !
  9. *Olli83*

    *Olli83* User

    Hello Buddy´s!

    My flight times on MONDAY the 10.02.2025

    10°° a.m. - 6°° p.m.
    (German Time)

    Name : *Olli83*
    UserId : 10355953
    Country : France
    Level : 85

    Quickservice (QS) is active.

    BON VOL ! ! !
  10. *Olli83*

    *Olli83* User

    Hello Buddy´s!

    My flight times on FRIDAY the 14.02.2025

    9°° a.m. - evening
    (German Time)

    Name : *Olli83*
    UserId : 10355953
    Country : France
    Level : 85

    Quickservice (QS) is active.

    BON VOL ! ! !
  11. Need all planes except large during my 24H free servivce. Add me, online almost everyday, sending planes back as a priority to users!
    Country: Sweden