Flight Times - 2024

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by ~NightHawk~, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. Milor78

    Milor78 User

    Hello, I am active fast service.
    Add me: Milor78
    ID: 13005241
    Nv: 58.
    I can receive all kinds of planes, I expect many of you
  2. pulga1989

    pulga1989 User

    hey guys !! hello. quick service tomorrow. from mexico
    ip 12916090 add me and send me lot plane plz :) happy friday
  3. i m online send planes match planes
  4. Luca1975

    Luca1975 User

    ID 7661811
    from Monday 26 to Friday 30/10
    hours 10-12 (italian time)
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2020
  5. Karic

    Karic User

    8:00-22:00 CET :)
    With QS
  6. poproker1

    poproker1 User

    18:00-20:00 CET
  7. Karic

    Karic User

    8:00-22:00 CET
    With QS :)
  8. Dummer50

    Dummer50 User

    QS 24/7
    Feel free to send ma any planes!
  9. Jetter2095

    Jetter2095 User

    Name: Jetter2095
    ID: 13239552

    Flight Times: (When I'm Active Online)
    Monday: 8AM-10PM
    Tuesday: 9AM-9PM
    Wednesday: 7AM-11AM/4PM-9M (7:00-11:00/16:00-21:00)
    Thursday: 7AM-11AM/4PM-9M (7:00-11:00/16:00-21:00)
    Friday: 8AM-11AM/4PM-8PM (8:00-11:00/16:00-20:00)
    Saturday: 7AM-11PM
    Sunday: 8AM-10PM

    Incase to clear up for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I'm not online between those times of 11AM until 4PM (11:00-16:00)
    Since I take breaks because of other stuff.

    If you send me planes these are the ones I service for the time being and sidenote I also have QuickService On (Subject to update)
    Passenger Planes (Small/Medium)
    Cargo planes (Small/Medium)
  10. Astro13AIR

    Astro13AIR User

    Airport name: Astro13AIR.
    ID: 1328638.
    Airport working hours:
    Mon-Fri 14:00-19:00 UTC;
    Sat, Sun 13:00-20:00 UTC.
    Can accept medium-sized passenger and cargo planes as of now.
  11. Ber1Hei

    Ber1Hei User

    actual flight times

    Saturday and Sunday Oct. 16 + Oct. 17

    10 AM to 9 PM German time (MESZ)

    open for planes at 6 hrs. flight time

    QS is on.

    new buddies at minimum level 75 welcome !

    User-ID 12711120
    LVL 83
    country: Germany
  12. Der-Air

    Der-Air User


    My airport will be open tomorrow (09.11) from 6 am CEST until midnight with QS for those who would like to send planes!


    Thanks in advance! :)
  13. akkoska

    akkoska User

    My airport is open today (2022.09.30) from 7 pm CET untill midnight with QS, so you can send me planes, if you have some for me. :)

    Thank you in advance! :)
  14. hi,
    my airport is usually open all days from 07:30 am untill 11:00 pm CET. see my green light? i can handle almost everything.

    located in belgium

    happy to see ya soon :cool:
  15. SchPo643

    SchPo643 User

    Hello, I am back after a long break and need some new active buddies.
    I will be online for the next days from 9:00-1:00 with QS.
  16. Bonjour, mon aéroport est ouvert toute cette après midi et ce soir . Et laa semaine prochaine je suis ouvert Lundi de 17h à 22h00, jeudi de 8h00 à 22h00. Vendredi et samedi de 17h à 22h. Et Dimanche prochain peu être de 12h à 22h00.

    Hello, my airport is open all this afternoon and this evening. And next week I'm open Monday from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., Thursday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. And next Sunday can be from 12 p.m. to 10 p.m.
  17. Bonjour, Mon aéroport sera ouvert demain de 8h00 à 12h00. Bonne soirée .
    Hello, My airport will be open tomorrow from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Have a good evening .
  18. yunitza

    yunitza User

    Hello, I am active with fast service, please add me and send me many planes. I will try to send also for you
  19. Hello, dear airport manager tomorrow my airport will be open from 8 am to 10 pm.
  20. Hallo, my airport is open until 3:30 p.m.
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