Flight Times - 2024

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by ~NightHawk~, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. royjj

    royjj User

    Airport: Royjj / level 74
    Airport Country: China
    Real Country: The Netherlands

    Flying today from 07:00 till 23:59 (MET, GTM +1)
    QS is on

    Trying to get 5000 snow shovels and reach level 75 (6.75 mil ep to go)
    BrideElena likes this.
  2. SchPo643

    SchPo643 User

    Good morning,
    My airport just opened
    Sunday 09.02 from now until 12pm
    QS is on
    important!! planes under 3 hours only when green light is on
    name: SchPo643
    BrideElena likes this.
  3. pennello1

    pennello1 User

    [​IMG] Weekend-opening-times [​IMG]
    My airport is opened
    from now to 11 pm on tomorrow sunday
    with QS
    ID 11054591
    name: Pennello1
    When green traffic-light is on I serve all aircrafts,when not, no garented for serve under one hours planes​
    -MaGiiKz- likes this.
  4. belikov_y

    belikov_y User

    Name: belikov_y,
    User ID: 12966139
    Level: 91
    From: Ukraine

    Airport in: Ukraine

    24/7.... QS
  5. jes-jes123

    jes-jes123 User

    Name: jes-jes123
    USER-ID: 6574062
    Level: 72

    This monday all day with QS
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2020
  6. BrideElena

    BrideElena User

    • name BrideElena
    • ID 13282585
    • flight times Usually 2pm-2am GMT with short breaks
    • Level 69
    • Queensland, Australia
    • All planes are welcome but I have only 1 seaport
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
    -MaGiiKz- likes this.
  7. jes-jes123

    jes-jes123 User

    Name: jes-jes123
    USER-ID: 6574062
    Level: 72

    This monday all day with QS
    Feel free to add me, open to send planes to all people
  8. jes-jes123

    jes-jes123 User

    Name: jes-jes123
    USER-ID: 6574062
    Level: 73
    Dutch, country in game = chile

    This wednesday all day with QS and green light (09:00 CET - 22:00 CET)
    Feel free to add me, open to send planes to all people
  9. jes-jes123

    jes-jes123 User

    Name: jes-jes123
    USER-ID: 6574062
    Level: 73
    Dutch, country in game = chile

    This monday all day with QS and green light (11:00 CET - 22:00 CET)
    Feel free to add me, open to send planes to all people
  10. jes-jes123

    jes-jes123 User

    Name: jes-jes123
    USER-ID: 6574062
    Level: 74
    Dutch, country in game = Chile

    This tuesday all day with QS and green light (11:00 CET - 24:00 CET)
    Feel free to add me, open to send planes to all people
    Goodluck all!
    -MaGiiKz- likes this.
  11. anthony2

    anthony2 User

    My ID: 13301299
    Name: anthony2
    can you send me planes
  12. -MaGiiKz-

    -MaGiiKz- User

    I never see you on green when I play:confused:.
    So send me a fly-by when you are connected and ask me what kind of plane you want :D
    Teoz44 likes this.
  13. jes-jes123

    jes-jes123 User

    Name: jes-jes123
    USER-ID: 6574062
    Level: 74
    Dutch, country in game = Chile

    This thursday all day with QS and green light (08:00 CET - 18:00 CET)
    Feel free to add me, open to send planes to all people
    Goodluck all!
  14. Jonitos

    Jonitos User

    Hello everybody,
    I am jonathan from : Jonitos, UserID: 12250065 airport.
    today 02.04.2020 i am online from 12:30-15:30 in UCT +1
    tomorrow 03.04.2020. i am online from 12:00-14:30 UCT +1

    Before you send me planes, please send a message for me :D
    I will thankfull guys!
    Have a great day :D
  15. Jonitos

    Jonitos User

    small, medium, copters, seerama's also great for me :D
  16. Karic

    Karic User

    Karic POLAND
    ID 12613754
    8 AM-8 PM
  17. Jonitos

    Jonitos User

    hello everybody

    11.04.2020. Saturday 10-20 utc+1
    12.04.2020. Sunday 10-20 utc+1

    I can serve all types, but i have not got xxl hangar yet
  18. Ber1Hei

    Ber1Hei User

    flight times on Monday, 13.04.:

    10:00 bis 22:00 CET - for all planes at min. 3h

    QS activated:)

    Name: Ber1Hei
    ID: 12711120
    Level: 79
  19. Name: timowagener
    USER-ID: 3939932
    Level: 43
    My country: The Netherlands
    country in game: Mexico

    This thursday with QS and green light
  20. Currently active and Quick service for another 2 hours. level 52 and open for all air traffic types.

    User ID is 121876 and based in the UK (in and out of game)
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