Flight Times - 2024

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by ~NightHawk~, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. Daan-PL

    Daan-PL User

    Airport: Daan-PL / level 80
    ID: 10317460

    Flight dates week 24:

    10-06-2019: 16:00 - 02:00 QS
    11-06-2019: 12:00 - 02:00 QS
    12-06-2019: Closed
    13-06-2019: Closed
    14-06-2019: Closed
    15-06-2019: 18:00 - 02:00 QS
    16-06-2019: 15:00 - 02:00 QS

    If you don't have me as your buddy. You can always add me! If u need planes for a mission, I will be availiable. :)

  2. Daan-PL

    Daan-PL User

    Airport: Daan-PL / level 80
    ID: 10317460

    Flight dates week 28:

    8-7-2019: 10:00 - 02:00 QS
    9-7-2019: 10:00 - 02:00 QS
    10-7-2019: 10:00 - 17:00 & 22:00 - 02:00 QS
    11-7-2019: Closed
    12-7-2019: 10:00 - 17:00 & 22:00 - 02:00 QS
    13-7-2019: 10:00 - 17:00 & 22:00 - 02:00 QS
    14-7-2019: 15:00 - 02:00 QS

    If you don't have me as your buddy. You can always add me! If u need planes for a mission, I will be availiable. :)

  3. frank13261

    frank13261 User

    Airport frank13261
    ID: 10334519
    Level: 80
    Ingame Country Texas
    Real Country Germany

    Flight Times:

    03.08. 20:00-02:00 with QS
    04.08. 20:00-02:00 with QS
    05.08. Closed
    06.08. Closed

    07.08. Closed
    08.08. Closed
    09.08. 20:00-02:00 with QS
    10.08. Closed

    Times are CET
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
    dany2376 likes this.
  4. brubo

    brubo User

    Saturday, Sept. 28 - until 14:00 (CET)
    Sunday, Sept. 29 - midnight - 04:00 and 10:00 - 14:00

    October 1 - 15: CLOSED

    brubo / Rwanda / 12581771
    ptiprince likes this.
  5. JEPPE1990

    JEPPE1990 User


    Ingame name: Jeppe1990

    UserID: 3070116

    4th of October, I will have quickservice and be online the entire day. :D
    firehawk691 likes this.
  6. JEPPE1990

    JEPPE1990 User

    Hello everyone!

    Username: Jeppe1990

    Dates (Look in the calendar on skyramas website. :))

    04.10 Qucikservice (The whole day)
    05.10 Quickservice (From 08.00 - 02.00)
    06.10 Quickservice (From 08.00 - 18.00)

  7. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    Hello users!

    Username: Jayden.B
    Country: CHINA
    Available from 6/10/2019 to 13/10/2019 during 9AM to 1PM & 7PM to 9PM
    All times are in AEDT (Sydney time, Australia)
  8. olandiano

    olandiano User


    Attention please, flight time from pompidoe is Friday 18.00 till Sunday 22.00.
    SR = Quick service
    szarvasferi likes this.
  9. olandiano

    olandiano User


    Last edited: Nov 23, 2019
    -TheLastOne- likes this.
  10. Today my airport is open for all type`s off plane`s from 18:00 till ?? . As long the light is green i will be online.
    QS is active.
    Need Gold (to buy plane`s) and water/cargo parts ( to upgrade plane`s)
  11. Daan-PL

    Daan-PL User

    08-12-2019 I will be playing from 08:00 - 02:00 with QS! Feel free to add me if you haven't done yet!

  12. Dummer50

    Dummer50 User

    Hello! I play daily from 3pm-10pm

    Username : Dummer50
    User ID: 11652613
    Country: Australia
    Daan-PL likes this.
  13. Daan-PL

    Daan-PL User

    Hello Pilots,

    My flight times for the upcoming weekend:

    13-12-2019 18:00 - 02:00 QS Time zone: (MET, GMT +1)
    14-12-2019 17:00 - 02:00 QS
    15-12-2019 10:00 - 02:00 QS

    If you haven't added me yet, feel free! If you need any help for completing missions, I will be able to help you by sending a Fly-By! :)

    Kind regards,
    Dummer50 likes this.
  14. Carsto

    Carsto User

    18th December:

    8:00 am - 10:30 pm


    I send planes if I get some back, QS is activated

    Username: Carsto
    UserID: 13255753
    Country: Germany
  15. hidhe11

    hidhe11 User

    Comming 2 weeks im online the full day and night with QS on my main account :)
    Add: hidhe
  16. Dummer50

    Dummer50 User

    Hello! I play daily from 3pm-10pm (GMT 2+)

    Username : Dummer50
    User ID: 11652613
  17. embas

    embas User

    Hello, my ign is embas.
    I'm currently in level 72

    Today (25.12.2019) I'll be playing from 10am-15pm and from 6pm-11pm.
    The times are all in CET.
    I'll also be using QS
  18. verser

    verser User

    25.12.2019 2pm-10pm

    Username: verser
    ID: 13261489

    QS is on (48h)
  19. Airport is open on 26.12 from:
    NOW till 27.12 06.00 hour.

    SA/QS ist active.

    :D:DI need aircoins/gold and cargo parts !!:D:D

    ;);)I still need 37.500 Snow shovels;);)

    Flyby`s withthe text [​IMG] will be answered with a delete from buddy list!!

    Username: pompidoe
    UserId: 8029190
    Holland [​IMG]

    Level 82 (Need 93.002.926 xp for level-up)
    olandiano likes this.
  20. Airport is open on 29.12 from:
    NOW till 30.12 06.00 hour.

    SA/QS ist active.

    :D:DI need aircoins/gold and cargo parts !!:D:D

    ;);)I still need 95.400 Snow shovels;);)

    Flyby`s with the text [​IMG] will be answered with a delete from buddy list!!

    Username: pompidoe
    UserId: 8029190

    Level 82 (Need 66.979.911 xp for level-up)
    szarvasferi likes this.
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