Flight Plans

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by gazza500, Nov 18, 2015.

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  1. gazza500

    gazza500 User

    I wonder how easy it would be to provide information of which buddies had selected aircraft to send to you whilst they were fuelling and getting passengers or cargo.

    This might help to ensure that aircraft were not sent in vain and enable everyone to have some sort of flightplan of when aircraft would be landing.
  2. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    hi .. some player have more than 200 planes coming in every hour. And then add all the players on this game - then all the extra information there has to be on the game will just slow it even more down.

    In this game don't think that you can serve all planes coming in - and that all yours will get served.

    Get good friends that you know will serve yours and so on ..

    And remember tomorrow is always another day to fly :)
    Norway likes this.