Flashback Event 2013

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by teddy.bear, Dec 20, 2013.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Skyrama

    Flashback Event 2013


    Small Plane - Millenium Pigeon
    (Space Weeks 2012)
    Time: 24 hours
    Cost: 75 Passengers
    Reward: 800 AirCoins, 65 EP
    Currency Cost 60

    Medium Plane - Rama M Skelemoto
    (Halloween 2012)
    Time: 4 hours
    Cost: 200 Passengers
    Reward: 150 AirCoins, 45 EP
    Currency Cost 60

    Helicopter - White Lightening Copter
    (Summer Games 2012)
    Time: 3 Hours
    Cost: 30 Passengers
    Reward: 300 AirCoins, 25 EP
    Currency Cost 100

    Seaplane - Hip hip ha plane
    (Birthday Event 2012)
    Time: 1 Hour
    Cost: 150 Passengers
    Reward: 210 AirCoins, 19 EP
    Currency Cost 80

    Romantic Hotel
    (Valentines Day 2012)
    Currency Cost 40

    Flying Snowflake
    (Winter Weeks Event )
    Currency Cost 30

    Event Currency

    Event Background
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