Filter buddies based on name/country(gifts)/product

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by PopAlexCristian, Nov 22, 2013.

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Do you want to be able to filter buddies based on name/country(gifts)/products?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. As you're getting more and more buddies it gets hard to find someone in your buddy list.
    If you want to get some products sometimes you have to scroll alot in order to get to a user that you know has that product. So filter your buddies based on product would be a good thing.
    Sometimes, I have a buddy that asks for some planes. This might be a new buddy, searching manually is really annoying, sometimes I just say forget it ...
    Unimatrix_Airways and yogain like this.
  2. sarisa

    sarisa User

    Hi, I do agree and add : show the gifts on the buddy ID icon

    sarisa / Cambodia
    Desi-Queen likes this.
  3. ksios

    ksios User

    I was thinking the exact same idea
  4. Any method of Filter beats what we have now (none).
    Great idea.:)
  5. Erce

    Erce User

    I think , it is a good idea. With many of product in 4 shops, this filter is necessary.

    /sorry for my English, but i am not from UK/
  6. flewg

    flewg User

    Good idea hope it gets used
  7. bln-sxf

    bln-sxf User

    not only for product, but also for

    -name, alphabetical

    and showing products and souvenirs in the buddy-popup would be great, too.
    or, in case of filtering for one of these options, maybe instead of the flag.

    always going to the external side, where there is a filter for the souvenirs is very awkward.
    Desi-Queen and liamcoso like this.
  8. Again, fantastic ideas all around! Kudos! Brilliant!

    See you in the Skys! =D
  9. Mod-Mama is the management / development team considering implementing any of our ideas...?
  10. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    We're sending your ideas to the team and rest is up to them :) Ideas which are good and which they can get in game, they will do that. As we can see in past three years. Many ideas from users are already in game :)
  11. Hi there. I was just thinking that there has to be a better way to access the buddy list. I am having people send me planes but I don't see them on my list. However whenever I need a particular cargo scrolling through the list is a real hassle. Allow user to organize by cargo or by continent/country and then cargo, then when you have the daily goal asking you to send a plane to a certain continent/country you can. Since I am not sure if everyone is familiar with every continent and countries flags. However I am aware that actually creating something like this could be complex for the game. Perhaps even more work for the user....?
  12. BTW I normally do not use forums, however with my buddy list getting a bit more complex I thought I would look in to the forum, glad I came across this one.