Favorite airplanes models

Discussion in 'Official Forum Games' started by dugobisilva, Apr 4, 2020.

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  1. Hi everyone, everything fine?? I'm Brazilian and I want to post a new game here on our forum! :D
    Just kidding is about this: it will be alphabetical order of your favorite aircraft models for example:
    My favorite plane with the letter A is the Airbus A320 ... and there it will even reach the letter '' Z ''
    let's go! :D
    you can post as many models as you want, but you have to start with the letter that stopped!! ;)
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2020
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  2. starting with me with the letter '' A '' my favorite is the airbus A320


    My other favorite model: atr 72-500 :D
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 4, 2020
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  3. Antonov AN-124 heavy hauler cargo plane.:D
  4. Why Antonov? It must be somethig "r"
    Author u must moderate your game! or u just PR urself?

    O'k! on R for example RWD-14 Czapla