FAQ Small Planes

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by Air-Base, Jul 5, 2016.

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  1. Air-Base

    Air-Base Guest

    Small Passenger Planes (XS)
    Rama-XS-Quickie[​IMG]Price: 150 Aircoins
    Available: From level 0
    Flight time: 6 minutes
    Service time: 30 sec
    Costs: 10 passengers
    Reward: 25 Aircoins, 2 XP
    Rama-XS-Super-Turbo[​IMG]Price: 15 AirCash
    Available: From level 1
    Flight time: 1 hour
    Service time: 200 sec
    Costs: 72 passengers
    Reward: 175 Aircoins, 14 XP
    1930s Racer-Hughes[​IMG]Price: 300 Aircoins
    Available: From level 2
    Flight time: 6 minutes
    Service time: 30 sec
    Costs: 1 passenger
    Reward: 3 XP
    1930s Racer - Red Lion[​IMG]Price: 15 Aircash
    Available: From level 2
    Flight time: 6 minutes
    Service time: 30 sec
    Costs: 1 passenger
    Reward: 5 XP
    Rama-XS-SuperQuickie[​IMG]Price: 6 Aircash
    Available: From level 3
    Flight time: 6 minutes
    Service time: 30 sec
    Costs: 21 passengers
    Reward: 40 Aircoins, 3 XP
    Rama-XS-Turbo[​IMG]Price: 400 Aircoins
    Available: From level 3
    Flugzeit: 1 hour
    Service time: 200 sec
    Costs: 36 passengers
    Reward: 115 Aircoins, 9 XP
    1930s Racer-Mr. Mulligan[​IMG]Price: 14 Aircash
    Available: From level 4
    Flight time: 4 hours
    Service time: 500 sec
    Costs: 1 passenger
    Reward: 28 XP
    Rama-Xplore[​IMG]Price: 1,200 Aircoins
    Available: From level 5
    Flight time: 8 hours
    Service time: 500 sec
    Costs: 16 passengers
    Reward: 365 Aircoins, 29 XP
    1930s Racer-Bulldog[​IMG]Price: 15 Aircash
    Available: From level 6
    Flight time: 8 hours
    Service time: 500 sec
    Costs: 1 passenger
    Reward: 42 XP
    Rama-S-Quatro[​IMG]Price: 1,600 Aircoins
    Available: From level 7
    Flight time: 4 hours
    Service time: 500 sec
    Costs: 24 passengers
    Reward: 245 Aircoins, 20 XP
    1930s Racer-GeeBee[​IMG]Price: 15 Aircash
    Available: Fro level 14
    Flight time: 12 hours
    Service time: 500 sec
    Costs: 1 passenger
    Reward: 56 XP
    Ramaliner-XS-Turbo[​IMG]Price: 22 Aircash
    Available: From level 32
    Flight time: 1 hour
    Service time: 200 sec
    Costs: 45 passengers
    Reward: 230 Aircoins, 18 XP
    Ramaliner-Eclipse[​IMG]Price: 14,000 Aircoins
    Available: From level 32
    Flight time: 1 hour
    Service time: 200 sec
    Costs: 36 passengers
    Reward: 150 Aircoins, 12 XP
    Rufus MK II[​IMG]Price: 250,000 Aircoins
    Available: From level 62
    Flight time: 6 hours
    Service time: 200 sec
    Costs: 20 passengers
    Reward: 476 Aircoins, 39 XP
    Small Cargo Planes (XS)
    Rama-XS-Cargo[​IMG]Price: 600 Aircoins
    Available: From level 5
    Flight time: 20 minutes
    Service time: 30 sec
    Costs: 120 Aircoins
    Reward: 120 goods, 5 XP
    Rama-SpeedyCargo[​IMG]Price: 18 Aircash
    Available: From level 5
    Flight time: 6 minutes
    Service time: 30 sec
    Costs: 60 Aircoins
    Reward: 60 goods, 2 XP
    Rama-S-Uno[​IMG]Price: 72 Aircash
    Available: From level 9
    Flight time: 1 hour
    Service time: 200 sec
    Costs: 350 Aircoins
    Reward: 350 goods, 19 XP
    Rama Global Cargo[​IMG]Price: Not for sale! (1 plane as reward for the Global Goal "Visit every country!)
    Flight time: 20 minutes
    Service time: 60 sec
    Costs: 140 Aircoins
    Reward: 140 goods, 10 XP
    Rama Outback[​IMG]Price: Not for sale! (1 plane as reward for the Main Goal "Fever Pitch 5/5!)
    Flight time: 20 minutes
    Service time: 60 sec
    Costs: 200 Aircoins
    Reward: 200 goods, 6 XP
    Crimson Arrow[​IMG]Price: Not for sale!
    This plane is only for the forum moderators.
    Flight time: 8 hours
    Service time: 200 sec
    Costs: 100 Aircoins
    Reward: 100 goods, 100 XP
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