FAQ Shops/Economic System

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by Air-Base, Jul 6, 2016.

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  1. Air-Base

    Air-Base Guest

    Find out everything important about the Economic Shop System.

    1.What is a shop?
    2.What shops are there?
    3.How can I get products?
    4.How do I get my shop filled?
    5.How can I sell products?
    6.Which quest belong to the commodity system?
    7.The cargo planes at a glance

    1.What is a shop?

    The shops are buildings with which one can produce goods in order to then sell on.
    You will receive two shops when completing tutorial quests, other shops you can buy in the shop under Airside buildings.

    2. What shops are there?

    There are 4 different shops.

    The Pastry Shop (obtained during the quest "cargo loading into a new dimension")
    Basic good: eggs


    The Jewellery Shop (after level 20 you can buy at the store for 50000 Aircoins Aircash against 59 or earlier).
    Basic good: silver


    The Gift Shop (you can buy at the store level 15 or earlier for 50000 Aircoins against 59 Aircash).
    Basic good: wool


    The Burger Shop (you receive it by the tutorial quests).
    Basic good: flour


    3. How can I get products?

    First, you have to decide what product you want to manufacture. If you did, click on the relevant shop.
    Then a window appears which says what ingredients you need.
    Now you look at the world map, in which country there are these ingredients.
    You can see it when you hold the mouse over it to a country, then a window appears in the upper right you see what goods are available in this country.
    Or even with the buddies, keep your mouse on the buddy, then you can see in the box, what goods are in his country.

    After that, send a cargo aircraft to this country.
    It will return with an amount of goods.

    The goods are stored in your warehouse, which you can view with a simple click on the warehouse.

    The goods in the country will change over the course of the game. Once your shop gets a level up, change the required goods and the goods that you get in those countries.

    Another way to get goods, is to service cargo planes from your buddy or to buy the goods at the store menu for Aircash.

    4. How do I get my shop filled?

    If you have collected all the goods you need to manufacture a product, you can begin to fill the shop.
    About the shop one gear is displayed when the shop is empty.

    Once you click on this, then a yellow progress bar is displayed, which means that the shop currently manyfactures the product. Once the yellow loading bar is gone, the shop is once again full of products that can be sold now.

    In the warehouse, you can always see how much goods you still have in stock and what goods are missing.
    Or click on your shop, then you can see also what goods are missing.

    5. How can I sell products?

    If the shops are filled, you can sell the products.
    Once you have a plane ready to service, there you go.
    It does not matter whether it is a plane of your own or a buddy.
    You'll land the plane as normal, then the yellow ring appears where you can also pick up souvenirs. Besides the souvenirs will also be a red bag.

    You gather with this one, it takes a little while until the yellow ring goes away again.
    Once this is gone, you can collect about your shop Aircoins.
    And thus you have sold your first product.

    6. Which quests belong to the commodity system?

    So you gain the necessary things to sell and manufacture of products, you must first play through a tutorial quest series at the begin of the game.
    This tutorial will start automatically after some time of playing.

    7. The cargo planes at a glance.


    "Burger Shop"


    Is given.

    Storage capacity at level 1: 120
    To go to level 2, you must sell 400 products.
    Flour required.​
    Storage capacity level 2: 200
    To go to level 3, you must sell 1,000 products.
    Flour required.​
    Storage capacity level 3: 400
    To go to level 4, you must sell 4000 products.
    Flour and meat required.​
    Storage capacity level 4: 600
    To go to level 5, you must sell 11,000 products.
    Flour and meat required.​
    Storage capacity level 5: 900
    To go to level 6, you must sell 30,000 products.
    Flour, meat and cheese required.​
    Storage capacity level 6: 1,100
    To go to level 7, you must sell 60,000 products.
    Flour, meat and cheese required.​
    Storage capacity level 7: 1,200
    To go to level 8, you must sell 120,000 products.
    Flour, meat, cheese and lettuce required.​
    Storage capacity level 8: 1,500
    Final level.
    Flour, meat, cheese and lettuce required.​


    "Pastry Shop"


    Is a gift.

    Storage capacity level 1: 150
    To go to level 2, you must sell 400 products.
    Eggs required.​
    Storage capacity level 2: 250
    To go to level 3, you must sell 1,000 products.
    Eggs required.​
    Storage capacity level 3: 500
    To go to level 4, you must sell 3,000 products.
    Eggs and chocolate required.​
    Storage capacity level 4: 800
    To go to level 5, you must sell 10,000 products.
    Eggs and chocolate required.​
    Storage capacity level 5: 1,000
    To go to level 6, you must sell 40,000 products.
    Eggs, chocolate and cream required.​
    Storage capacity level 6: 1,200
    To go to level 7, you must sell 90,000 products.
    Eggs, chocolate and cream required.​
    Storage capacity level 7: 1,400
    To go to level 8, you must sell 150,000 products.
    Eggs, chocolate, cream and cherries required.​
    Storage capacity level 8: 2,000
    Final level.
    Eggs, chocolate, cream and cherries required.​


    "Gift Shop"


    Can be purchased at level 15 with 50,000 Aircoins in the shop.

    Storage capacity level 1:
    To go to level 2, you must sell 600 products.
    Wool required.​
    Storage capacity level 2: 200
    To go to level 3, you must sell 3,000 products.
    Wool required.​
    Storage capacity level 3: 700
    To go to level 4, you must sell 9,000 products.
    Wool and cotton required.​
    Storage capacity level 4: 1,000
    To go to level 5, you must sell 15,000 products.
    Wool and cotton required.​
    Storage capacity level 5: 1,400
    To go to level 6, you must sell 60,000 products.
    Wool, cotton and button eyes required.​
    Storage capacity level 6: 2,000
    To go to level 7, you must sell 120,000 products.
    Wool, cotton and button eyes required.​
    Storage capacity level 7: 2,200
    To go to level 8, you must sell 200,000 products.
    Wool, cotton, button eyes and silk ribbon required.​
    Storage capacity level 8: 2,500
    Final level.
    Wool, cotton, button eyes and silk ribbon required.​


    "Jewellery Shop"


    Can be purchased at level 20 for 50,000 Aircoins in the shop.

    Storage capacity at level 1:
    To go to level 2, you must sell 400 products.
    Silver required.​
    Storage capacity at level 2: 200
    To go to level 3, you must sell 1,000 products.
    Silver required.​
    Storage capacity at level 3: 500
    To go to level 4, you must sell 4,000 products.
    Silver and gold required.​
    Storage capacity at level 4: 800
    To go to level 5, you must sell 11,000 products.
    Silver and gold required.​
    Storage capacity at level 5: 1000
    To go to level 6, you must sell 50,000 products.
    Silver, gold and precious stones required.​
    Storage capacity at level 6: 1400
    To go to level 7, you must sell 100,000 products.
    Silver, gold and precious stones required.​
    Storage capacity at level 7: 1800
    To go to level 8, you must sell 180,000 products.
    Silver, gold, precious stones and diamonds required.​
    Storage capacity at level 8: 2100
    Final level.
    Silver, gold, precious stones and diamonds required.​


    Enjoy Flying,
    Your Skyrama Team
    gotuzil49 and rdmuser like this.
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