Announcements Event: Valentine's Weeks 2025

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Flight-Attendant, Feb 4, 2025.

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  1. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Dear Airport Managers,

    we start the Valentin's Weeks Event including some old and new planes Thursday, February 06th around 12:00 CET. The event will run until Monday, March 10th at 12:00 CET.

    Here you can find our FAQs from this event:

    Please post any feedback on this event here:

    LUV-PL4N3-01 - M-Plane
    Cost: 150 Chocolate box
    Flight time: 24 Hours
    Service time: 200 Sec.
    Cost: 120 Passengers
    Reward: 1350 Aircoins, 210 XP

    LUV-L4RG3 - L-Plane
    Cost: 220 Chocolate box
    Flight time: 12 Hours
    Service time:: 800 Sec.
    Cost: 200 Passengers
    Reward: 1100 Aircoins, 350 XP

    LUV-LOON - Ramacopter
    Cost: 120 Chocolate box
    Flight time: 12 Hours
    Service time: 200 Sec.
    Cost: 2 Passengers
    Reward: 700 Aircoins, 160 XP

    We hope you have fun.:)

    Best regards,
    Your Skyrama Team
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