Enable runway for L aircraft

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Trackplus, Sep 28, 2020.

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  1. Trackplus

    Trackplus User


    Airports need a lot of things and too many facilities are big
    Smaller landing strips are needed
    those inserted in the image would be fine
    Kimmy, topgun123 and Norway like this.
  2. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

    Saving space at the airport

    Here is a solution, insert the helicopter maintenance / landing strip in the middle of the aircraft landing strip
    see image

    Norway, seanmartin, Kimmy and 3 others like this.
  3. mazurzanka

    mazurzanka User

    Sorry for writing here but I don't know where to find silk ribbon? It's for the mission "The greatest of feeleings"
  4. olandiano

    olandiano User

    Go to the world map for sending planes, put your mouse on a country , and then you see what they have. And then you see a country with silk ribbon. Good luck..

    And your questions you can put here:
    Norway likes this.
  5. Encarnado

    Encarnado User

    You need to upgrade your gift shop (the one that sells teddy bear) to lvl 7 for it to appear.
    Olia-Tox likes this.