Suggestion Different decoration system

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Superquiner, Nov 11, 2023.

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  1. Currently, decorations placed right next to Airside or Landside Buildings make you get more passengers or get planes handled faster. I actually think this is a strange system. Personally, I try to keep my airport as realistic and beautiful as possible (even at the expense of efficiency). For example, I keep the airport separated from the village with fences, and I keep in mind that planes should be able to drive from their hangar to the aprons and to the runway via a path. I also built a forest along my airport that is basically useless. With gaining passengers, I actually have no problem, because there is plenty of greenery in my city. But with the airport it is different. If I wanted to have a faster settlement time, I would have to place windmills in the middle of the airport, for example. This is, of course, highly unrealistic.

    I would like to see a different decoration system. A system where it is not about which decorations are next to builds, but about which decorations are present on your airport in total. The total number of decorations should affect your airport overall. I am curious to see how the community thinks about this.