Creation of XL planes with a single click

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by .piocu.100., Jan 1, 2021.

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  1. Perhaps original idea of creating XL planes in 4 stages was a good idea, at the beginning, but as this proved to have bugs in it (saving intermediary steps does not work), wouldn't be better to get rid of the 4 clicks / intermediary steps and have just the final Build button which takes all the needed resources (if you have them)? Is annoying for both players / support
    Trackplus likes this.
  2. zenmak

    zenmak User

    zgadzam się,tym bardziej,że nigdy nie wiadomo zbiorczo ile potrzeba danych elementów
  3. Leemonade

    Leemonade User

    Good idea, I support.
    R.E.M. and biry1226 like this.
  4. benhardman

    benhardman User

    This is a great idea as the game does not allow you to build the plane in stages and quit the construction hall to complete other tasks, rather only allowing to craft all 4 stages sequentially and starting the build or you lose all materials and coins spent.

    There would have to be a dramatic change to the construction hall, indicating to a player the total amount of coins and materials needed before building. Therefore as you said, support wont have to deal with the various amounts of tickets coming from new players complaining of lost coins and materials as it simply does not tell them of this bug.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2021
    olandiano likes this.