
Discussion in 'Official Forum Games' started by T14GO, Apr 24, 2017.

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  1. T14GO

    T14GO User

    Hello, to those who do not know me. I'm Brazilian and my name is Tiago. This topic has already been created in the previous forum and I am creating it again here. The topic is the countdown of any number and reaching the number 0. After reaching the number 0, the next to the post choose the number you want to start and count return to 0 and so on again. It does not have a specific number to start counting and can start countless times when it counts 0, then the next number after 0 picks the desired number and starts counting again.

    Example: 3

    I'll start 250
    BLONDI2011 likes this.
  2. Trumaldigo

    Trumaldigo User

  3. BLONDI2011

    BLONDI2011 User

  4. Trumaldigo

    Trumaldigo User

  5. Bies1952

    Bies1952 User

    246: D
  6. Trumaldigo

    Trumaldigo User

  7. Trumaldigo

    Trumaldigo User

  8. olexa

    olexa User

  9. Margo1193

    Margo1193 User

    241 :)
    djstach likes this.
  10. Bies1952

    Bies1952 User

    240 :D
    djstach likes this.
  11. djstach

    djstach User

    239 :) :)
  12. Bies1952

    Bies1952 User

  13. Margo1193

    Margo1193 User

    237 :D
    BLONDI2011 likes this.
  14. olexa

    olexa User

  15. BLONDI2011

    BLONDI2011 User

    235 [​IMG]
    olandiano likes this.
  16. piti13

    piti13 User

    BLONDI2011 likes this.
  17. -arkadek-

    -arkadek- User

    233 :)
  18. BLONDI2011

    BLONDI2011 User

    232 [​IMG]
  19. Trumaldigo

    Trumaldigo User

    BLONDI2011 likes this.