Suggestion Change the events for new players

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mairnik12, Jan 23, 2019.

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  1. mairnik12

    mairnik12 User

    Hi, I am not sure if this is the right place to suggest to you what i need. But I just start again to play the game, and as I saw the levels of other players are high enough. The problem is that we have to do some new starter events just like : send back 4 rama-xs-turbo and send back 4 rama-M-turbo. And there is where my missions are stuck 2 days now, as noone have those planes any more. So I am asking you to change all those new starter missions to something we can do. I need my time to spend it for relax, not to waste my time waitting who ever send me those planes.
    Thanks to NunoPereira from Portugal (75 lvl) I finished all the mission I need.
    My suggestion still is.... as the game evolve, we should evolving too.
    Once again thank you Nuno

    P.S. sorry for my English, is not my mother languadge.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2019
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