
Discussion in 'Who is Who - The Players' started by ceesjellebos, Mar 31, 2018.

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  1. Heya All,

    My name is Cees, and i just started playing Skyrama again, after a long break!
    I would like to get some friends in Skyrama to play with :)! Got quickservice tomorrow ;3.

    I have:

    Small Planes: 23
    Medium: 12 (increasing)
    Large: 0 (increasing)
    Helicopters: 8
    Aquaplanes: 6

    I'm level 40.

    If you want you can add me, my name on Skyrama is; ceesjellebos
    Or leave your name behind down here! vv

    Greetings from The Netherlands,

    Boris04 and Ladiček06 like this.
  2. Ladiček06

    Ladiček06 User

    Nice I added you :)

    Nick: Ladiček06
    Level: 72
    Planes: 458
  3. Im level 50 now.
    sercool likes this.
  4. Level 56 now.
    sercool likes this.
  5. Ladiček06

    Ladiček06 User

    iam level 73 :)
  6. Add me. Level 23 Aeropuerto68
  7. Boris04

    Boris04 User

    Add me too!
    Im also from the Netherlands btw :D
    Name on Skyrama: Boris04
    User-ID: 13155740
  8. Add me
    Name on Skyrama: CarlosSinMas
    User-ID: 13070515