Suggestion CashCow for Seaplanes and Helis

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by pilota1970, Jul 1, 2019.

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  1. pilota1970

    pilota1970 User

    it would be cool to get a sea and a helicopter variant for the cashcow

    extra stuff: the heli could give 30 coin and the seaplane 40 since they need bigger level to land etc or there could be a randomizer for players who have helipad to 50-50% of getting a cashcow plane or heli and players who have all 3 get 33% of heli-plane-seaplane

    2nd extra introduction of medium cascows once in every 20-30 minutes for 200 cash

    i think this would be cool for beginners or for players who doesnt have any plane traffic other than his own {like me :( }
  2. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    The only exception is that CashCow is already in-game from the start. A heli version and a seaplane version have to be unlocked at a specific level but if the player haven't unlock helis or seaplanes, what's the point?
    Also, having these would have to be there from the start.