Can't go into fullscreen on the 64-bit Windows Client

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by AXELS, Nov 16, 2020.

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  1. AXELS

    AXELS User


    I have a problem when trying to play the game in fullscreen mode. I have tried to press F11 to get rid of the window border but that didn't work. I have also tried to start the client I both normal and administrations mode but that didn't work either.

  2. czeria1988

    czeria1988 User

    It works for me .. o_O
  3. olandiano

    olandiano User

    Of course, this still is a beta version and will be further improved during the next weeks.
    The current version of the client does not support the full screen mode yet, but it is planned to make this feature also available in one of the next test versions.
    seanmartin likes this.
  4. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello Axel,

    It is as described by olandiano (thank you), the full screen mode is currently not working on the client, we hope that this will work with another update. :)

    Kind regards,
    seanmartin and olandiano like this.
  5. AXELS

    AXELS User

    Okay, thanks for the replies!!!

    I'll just wait it out then.

  6. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello Axel,

    thank you for your feedback. :)

    Since your question has been answered, I will now close again. :)

    Kind regards,
    ~Thread closed~
    seanmartin likes this.
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