
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ikke07, Oct 26, 2017.

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  1. azamo

    azamo User

    me too
  2. -Dexac-

    -Dexac- Board Administrator Team Skyrama

    Hi all! :)

    I also have a similar problem, but..
    The game loading time is very long (dozen minutes), you just have to wait.

    I know it's a nuisance, and that this is not correct, but better so than not at all :oops::confused:
  3. cupid151

    cupid151 User

    It knocks you off 5 min after logging on It finally loaded after 10 min then it decided after I was on for 5 min it was time for another Tech error
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2017
  4. -Dexac-

    -Dexac- Board Administrator Team Skyrama

    What do you mean? o_O:)
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