building's and Quick service

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Norway, Oct 15, 2015.

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  1. Norway

    Norway User

    We need small building's that give say 2000 passenger's
    every 10 minutes, or just give us a bigger airport,not
    enought Space for the building's we have. And a 12 hour
    quick service would be better, as some of us sleep and og to work
    so buying 24 hour quick is wasted when wa sleep 7 hours and work 8

    anyone else think the same ??
    dupleshwaryadav and flewg like this.
  2. flewg

    flewg User

    couldn't agree more with you
    Norway likes this.
  3. I agree too! Maybe have quick service pause when log out and then come back when you log on to game.
  4. i also agree to with you