Buddy Requests - 2024

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by ~NightHawk~, Jan 1, 2018.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. Ingame name: bootsyvanden
    User ID: 4346954
    Country: Netherlands
  2. titiko76

    titiko76 User

    Hello I'm glad to add me. ID: 1231816, country Bulgaria.
  3. evelinev

    evelinev User

    Im looking for people to add.
    You can also add me: evelinev
    Thx! :)
  4. Ber1Hei

    Ber1Hei User

    Looking for new friends all over the world (at minimum level 60) playing regularly during now beginning winter period.
    I´m here mainly from 10 AM to 4 PM (MEZ - German time)- green light on in case.

    User ID: 12711120, Country: Germany
    Level 77
  5. benhardman

    benhardman User

    Hi all, approaching level 71 and really need new friends to send planes and help me out.
    Am currently helping out a few low levels and would appreciate if someone around the same level could share what they have.

    Am on every day, so be sure to send me a message when you see a green light! :)

    Over and Out..
    2R3D likes this.
  6. name : panagiothsolga7, UserID: 1853803
  7. 2R3D

    2R3D User

    Hey, I am very new but, would love some new friends on here. I'm on just about every day
    panagiothsolga7 and benhardman like this.
  8. Country: Greece
    LeveL 32
    UserName: panagiothsolga7

    user id?
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 10, 2018
  9. austin333

    austin333 User

    I am level 14 and I have:
    15 small planes
    and 3 medium planes

    Last edited by moderator: Nov 13, 2018
  10. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    jank1961 likes this.
  11. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    Hi.... absolutely busy airports that is for sure.... but you really should post this in the Cafe for Airports Personal.... wish you a lovely day.... greetings ;-)
  12. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    Yeah, that was a bit funny... :D
    benhardman and jank1961 like this.
  13. noctua

    noctua User

    noctua, ID 13188862
  14. Jompura

    Jompura User

    Jompura ID:12853260
    Level 23 , Active player
  15. HelGaaFCG

    HelGaaFCG User

    add me HelGaaFCG need friends for qeust
  16. Hi Guys,

    I need friends :(
    Please add me :)
    Name: KimberlySzabo
    NunoPereira likes this.
  17. Name: czerwonegacie
    ID: 13193226
    Country: Poland :)
    alleshat, NunoPereira and jank1961 like this.
  18. Bom Dia e Bom Domingo para todos !
    Name: NunoPereira
    ID : 13008175
    alleshat likes this.
  19. make me friend
  20. Eilana

    Eilana User

    I'm new, online and looking for friend
    Add me please : Eilana 13203598