Buddy Requests - 2024

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by ~NightHawk~, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. letadlo-1

    letadlo-1 User

    Hello everybody, I would like to have some friends, so add me! :)
    Name: letadlo-1
    ID: 11607922
    Country: Czechia
  2. mwissamn

    mwissamn User

    hello ,
    Name: mwissamn
    User ID: 10722627
    Country: Syria
    please i need help send Rama-M-Turbo (4) & Rama-XS-Turbo
  3. MickMuffin

    MickMuffin User

    Name: MickMuffin
    User ID: 10838261
    Country: The Netherlands
  4. and8a

    and8a User

    User: and8a
    Id: 1636084
    Country: Rusia
  5. User: recepividik
    UserId: 12644955
    Country: Bulgaria
  6. Rudolfet

    Rudolfet User

    Username: Rudolfet
    User ID: 13173176
    Country: Italy
  7. HellAngel

    HellAngel User

    Username: HellAngel
    User ID: 13173966
    Country: Japan
  8. cecil03

    cecil03 User

    i am looking for new frends
  9. masteris

    masteris User

    Looking active players Name: masteris, User ID: 12797197
  10. waeo

    waeo User

    Country: Germany
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2018
  11. jes-jes123

    jes-jes123 User

    Name: jes-jes123
    ID-nr: 6574062
    Country: Chile
    Level: 71
  12. panlin

    panlin User

    My Username: panlin
    My ID: 13176246
    Country: Hungary
    Level: 3
  13. sebekb

    sebekb User

    Username: sebekb
    User ID: 12334914
    Country: Poland
    Special requests: Looking for active people everywhere
  14. SchPo643

    SchPo643 User

    I had a long break and need new active buddies:)
    I am Level 69 and have:
    small planes: 318
    middle planes: 485
    big planes: 20
    helicopters: 173
    waterplanes: 176
    Name: SchPo643
    UserId: 12988257
    Land: Germany
    Ladiček06 likes this.
  15. moonboot

    moonboot User

    country UK
    63 small
    69 mid
    33 big
    29 heli
    28 sea

    Would love active players from anywhere
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2018
    embas likes this.
  16. Looking for active friends to send and return planes. ID 13176601
  17. jes-jes123

    jes-jes123 User

    Added you, received my request?
    ID 6574062
    lvl 72
  18. OsPiloot

    OsPiloot User

    Name: OsPiloot
    ID : 13063590
    Country: Turkey ( but im a dutchie)
    I'd just like to send and recieve planes to and from active players
    Level: 33
  19. Name: martin19chapa

    Country: Argentina
    Level: 69
    I need planes .
  20. Ladiček06

    Ladiček06 User

    Name: Ladiček06
    ID: 7437017
    Country: Philippines
    Level: -74- 3.828.795 -74-
    small: 147
    medium: 193
    big: 21
    helicopters: 28
    sea: 49
    Good game all ! :)