Buddy Requests - 2024

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by ~NightHawk~, Jan 1, 2018.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. vila958

    vila958 User

    hello can we be friends me add vila958 level 81
  2. Playing daily
    Name : Shoopieparpz
    ID = 12657974
  3. Ayshel_57

    Ayshel_57 User

    Hi ! Playing Daily, France, Level 10
    ID : 13861387
  4. lucas991999
    Country: Austria
    Level: 63
  5. Online 24/7!

    ID = 12657974
  6. pegase57

    pegase57 User

    I need plane
    ID : 477523
    LVL 28
  7. Hello :D
    • Name: AndreFlaten98
    • ID: 29954595
    • Norway
  8. Bonjour, :)
    Nom : boutmoutdu49
    IDENTIFIANT : 13065194

    "Joues tous les jours"

    Merci <3
  9. Hello, I am from Brazil. Add my airport. Playing in free time.
    Nick: dugobisilva
    ID: 12763295
  10. Hello, I am from Belgium.

    You can add me via my username: -Frederikje-
    See you soon!
  11. Getting back into the game after years and years, this was my childhood, so hoping get friends to send planes and progress alongside
    • feromonas23
    • 12017369
    • Brazil
  12. VernalTie

    VernalTie User

    Hi, feel free to send some planes ;)

    • VernalTie
    • 11109247
    • Poland
  13. Diegobzh

    Diegobzh User

