Buddy Requests - 2024

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by ~NightHawk~, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. Ainyska

    Ainyska User

    Name: Ainyska
    Level: 77
    Country: Czech Republic
    ID: 630919

    When I'm green, I'm active and I try to clear everytrhing.
    When not, I just send planes my friends and check out.
    When I get a lot of planes, I turn on QS.
  2. gotuzil49

    gotuzil49 User

    Name: gotuzil49
    Level 78
    Czech republic, 13240145

    I play rarely, but if i play, only with QS, so you can feel free to send me planes. If I play, I have green light in the morning.
  3. mic1441

    mic1441 User

    mine name is mic1441 ID 416261 i am a return player who will be activr again
  4. CVMOR

    CVMOR User

    hi just restarted playing after 11 years my username is CVMOR im planning on being active every day
  5. Name: FlintAirport
    ID: 13415898
    Country: Netherlands
    Looking to receive and send planes to friends when I am online (will always show the green icon)
  6. Playman70

    Playman70 User

    User ID: 6049416
    Username: Playman70
    Level: 72
  7. Pomasz

    Pomasz User

    Name: Pomasz
    User ID: 13855223
    Country: Iceland
    Level: 30
    Displaying green icon when online (usually everyday on evening in Europe), will send planes in return
  8. Hello,

    Name: Silentcrusades
    User ID: 13854567
    Country: United Kingdom
    Level: 29
    Active most days, when I see a green light on I will send planes if any are available.
  9. poit456

    poit456 User


    Username : poit456
    ID : 5366474
    Country : Rwanda
    Level 36

    Not very active, but when green, will try to return as many as possible.
  10. Hi,

    Username: CaptainBrexit
    Country: New Zealand

    Started playing again after a long break, on every evening and will return any planes i'm sent :)
  11. Pearl5

    Pearl5 User

    Hi all,

    Username: Pearl5
    ID: 1087126
    Country: the Netherlands
    Level: 65

    Returned after a lot of years, and will be active most days.
    Will turn on green light when I can receive.
    Got a lot of space, so will clear your planes.
  12. playerk125

    playerk125 User

    hay thire, and greetings from Germany
    Username - playerk125
    ID - 11489991
    country - Germany
    Lvl 41
    Looking for any kind of players, just got back to the game, and a bit hoping to send back some Water Based Planes for a quest :D

    Cheers ~
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2024
  13. Hello
    Country: Latvia

    To everyone, hello, would be happy for newsigns, plays very often if all planes have to beaccepted;)
  14. Hi,
    Username: fenerbahce_yakup90
    ID: 2237158
    Country: Turkey
    Level: 65

    Looking for buddies which we can send planes to each other :)
  15. lotnik0pl

    lotnik0pl User

    Username: lotnik0pl
    ID: 12389387
    Country: Poland
    Level: 48
    Looking for someone who i can trade planes with, accepting anything coming my way.
  16. Kmhales

    Kmhales User

    Username : kmhales
    User ID : 13172995
    Country : U.K
    Level : 34

    I just want more buddies from all over the world :p
  17. Cerb5rus

    Cerb5rus User

    Just starting out but growing quickly, will return all planes

    User: Cerb5rus
    Country: U.K.

    Active every day PM GMT time
  18. charlois

    charlois User

    i am looking for acktive players have more then 1000 plains availeble so starters also more then welcome glad to help u oud as well

    Airport name charlois located netherlands
    ID: 12500663
  19. Pomsta79

    Pomsta79 User

    Uživatel Pomsta79
    Země: Česká republika
    Nový hráč lvl 13 a rostu :Eek:)
  20. vila958

    vila958 User

    hello can we be friends me add vila958 level 81
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