Buddy Requests - 2024

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by ~NightHawk~, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. nathrezim7

    nathrezim7 User

    You can add me to have fun ! :D

    ID : 9315247
    newbster2012 and yunitza like this.
  2. _raser_

    _raser_ User

    • _raser_
    • ID 6314237
    • Ukraine
  3. My nickname : Aleksandar_
    New York. Im active player and need buddies i can share planes with
    yunitza likes this.
  4. Tank95

    Tank95 User

    - Tank95
    - NY, USA
    Been playing alone for a long time, just want someone who I can share planes with
    Parzival and yunitza like this.
  5. Iman00b

    Iman00b User

    Username: Iman00b
    User ID: 13123182
    Country: Norway
    Level 57
  6. Ainyska

    Ainyska User

    Username: Ainyska
    User ID: 630919
    Country: Czech Republic
    Level: 69

    I'm an active player :)
  7. Vinczejr

    Vinczejr User

    I need many friends to help me send and suppress planes

    I'm an active player
  8. Username: ondrejkovac12

    feel free to add anyone <3
  9. targa007

    targa007 User

    Username: Targa007
    Country: Belgium
    Lvl: 59

    Feel free to add me. Flight times can vary alot due to work and my social life.
  10. yunitza

    yunitza User

    hello, my name is Yunitza ID: 9075868. Level 76. Country Cuba. Normally active during the day Spanish time. With express service
    lukyanyt likes this.
  11. MuschuHinkebein
    lvl 75
    yunitza likes this.
  12. MartinGR80

    MartinGR80 User

    Active Player
    Lvl 55

    I can already handle large planes
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2023
    lukyanyt likes this.
  13. Innuendo

    Innuendo User

    User ID :13784732
  14. Cpt.Joker

    Cpt.Joker User

    User ID:13784811
  15. -G-T-R-

    -G-T-R- User

    Username: -G-T-R-
    Country:Montana (USA)

    Active player
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2023
  16. Username: manuchicalopez
    User ID: 2943028
    Country: Spain
  17. Username: Adrian654377
    User ID: 5946639
    Country: Poland
  18. Vinczejr

    Vinczejr User

    Username: Vinczejr
    User ID :13467061
    Country: Romania

    Hi, Im looking for new activ friends.
  19. Hello!
    If you see a green light, fast care is active, I'm waiting for the planes.

    USERNAME: mcbence0618

    USER ID : 564619
    LVL: 74

  20. lukyanyt

    lukyanyt User

    Username: lukyanyt

    User ID: 13734917

    LV: 52

    COUNTRY: Argentina

    Special requests: Global
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