Buddy Requests - 2024

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by ~NightHawk~, Jan 1, 2018.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. bellarose

    bellarose User

    Username: bellarose
    User ID: 13360081
    Country: USA
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  2. Username: luiskiwininja
    User ID: 12994944
    Country : Dominican Republic
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  3. hugom70

    hugom70 User

    Yeahhh ! Add me for planes :D I need some Searama-solo for quest !

    Name: hugom70
    User ID: 10798575
    Country: France
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  4. zLuket

    zLuket User

    ID: 13357495
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  5. Йоан

    Йоан User

    Hi, everyone!
    Name: Йоан
    User ID: 11912589
    Country: Bulgaria (In Europe, it's north from Greece)
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  6. Droeg

    Droeg User

    Hello everyone. I returned to the game after several years break .. . Anyone's welcome to fly with me when the light is on green ;)
    Currently level 77 with ~800 planes, and rapidly growing ;)
    QS is always on

    Name: Droeg
    User id: 3318204
    Country: Belgium
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2021
    yunitza and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  7. Name: Clayton2301
    User id: 251816
    Country: Russian flag (playing from The Netherlands)
    Level 83, QS always on
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
    Jet-Jumbo and -TheLastOne- like this.
  8. Flainor

    Flainor User

    Hello there, I'm an active player, please add me :
    Name : Flainor
    ID : 13505030
    Country : France
  9. basjvr100

    basjvr100 User

    Username: basjvr100
    User ID: 13517262
    Country: Netherlands
    I want to send and receive planes to my buddy's i just started playing skyrama again since 2 years
  10. Add me: FabianAirport
    usualy online Amsterdam UTC+1
    i have tons of planes. just really need some active buddy's to work together with :)
    Dummer50 likes this.
  11. Jetter2095

    Jetter2095 User

    I would love to get active buddies! I'm always happy to also get invites from others!
    Username: Jetter2095
    User ID: 13239552
    Country: US
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2021
    Dummer50 likes this.
  12. Dummer50

    Dummer50 User

    Username: Dummer50
    Country: Finland
    Im online always!! QS is on
    Feel free to send me planes!
  13. Johny6320

    Johny6320 User

    Hi, I'm looking for a new player to change planes I'm level 85
  14. I'm back in this game, send me planes please, my airport feels so empty :D
  15. bnnse

    bnnse User

    helo :)
    username : bnnse
    id : 8803941
    country : France
  16. G-LACI

    G-LACI User

    Username: G-LACI
    ID: 12461901
    Level: 80
    Country: UK
  17. Username: JeffreyKing05
    Country: USA
    Beginner but previous experience and very active
  18. Vaionescu

    Vaionescu User

    Hi everyone! ^-^

    Ingame name: Vaionescu
    User ID: 13537607
    Country: Romania

    Looking forward to making new buddies! I'm active 1-2 times every day.
  19. hey guys, restarting the game after a few years, add me!

    IGN: LuckyBeanie
    User ID: 13549960
    Country: Germany
    Stralique likes this.
  20. -Suar-

    -Suar- User

    IGN: -Suar-
    User ID: 7734484
    Country: USA