Buddy Meeting

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Darthanti1, Nov 13, 2013.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. Berto218

    Berto218 User

    Indiana, US (Bloomington, to be exact.)

    Hi Folks,
    I play daily. Would like some buddies, so please add me. Still pretty new, only level seven, but building daily. Thanks and Peace, Berto
  2. Pernimar

    Pernimar User

    Pernimar - Tasmania, Australia
  3. ObiWan44

    ObiWan44 User

    Please add me... I need buddies to advance. Thanks
    Oklahoma, USA
  4. wikipe-tan

    wikipe-tan User

    Hello.I´m wikipe-tan from Sweden and I speak english swedish and spanish and my airport is in Cuba and I have friends on my list and maybe you want to be my friend too and this is my airport and I am on level 70
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2013
    catking59 likes this.
  5. grrlhawk

    grrlhawk User

  6. Holinfi

    Holinfi User


    I'm Holinfi1971
    My airport is in Chile
    I'm level 72
    I'm back after a long technical error

    I search buddy on African & Asian continent

    Good game
  7. mod33

    mod33 User

    Name : mod33
    Country:USA(in the game)

    I am from Bulgaria :)
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2013
    Alexus67 likes this.
  8. Hello everybody!

    Name: HéjaAirways
    Country: USA
    State: Florida

    I am from Slovakia, I speak Slovak, Hungarian and English.
  9. Steven

    Steven User

    Name: chingsan91, User ID: 11723137

    Add Me And Let's Take A Respon While I Shout Send Me Plane!!!
    Thank You From Indonesian People
  10. Name: Rawrgna04074
    User ID: 9746036
    Country: USA
    State: Florida
  11. catking59

    catking59 User

    real location:norway
  12. Name: gamers67217
    ID: 11797446
    please add me
  13. nours55

    nours55 User


    I'm nours55, my ID is 1928282
    My airport is in France and i am level 71

    Good game
  14. KERMIT33

    KERMIT33 User

    Hello everyone

    Quero moderators and ask players for all levels and respectively the points that you have to Asher juego.Estoy to finish the level 74 to level egar to last for 90 missing time 4 945 870 000 points, taking around 395 aircraft class 100,000 points and grabbing all the days I'm missing Asher 137 years for these points. It will be possible to finish the game?

  15. UrbanOzzy

    UrbanOzzy User

    Name: UrbanOzzy, User ID: 11855140