Discussion in 'Who is Who - The Players' started by BLONDI2011, May 10, 2017.

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  1. BLONDI2011

    BLONDI2011 User


    Nick: BLONDI2011
    ID: 2529673
    Country: Poland
    Airport: USA Texas
    Level: 85

    My airport[​IMG]:


    My fleet[​IMG]:



    My Top 10 Buddies[​IMG]:

    1.[​IMG] alfaroma - 2.866.092 [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]
    2.[​IMG] kondor - 1.000.166 [​IMG]
    3. [​IMG] Alfie346 - 376.980 [​IMG]
    4. [​IMG] sercool - 187.913 [​IMG]
    5. [​IMG]normandi - 91.648 [​IMG]
    6. [​IMG] Riyadh-City - 89.177 [​IMG]
    7. [​IMG] piti13 - 87.020 [​IMG]
    8. [​IMG] NHRM - 82.269 [​IMG]
    9. [​IMG] rob281263 - 73.288 [​IMG]



    Last edited: Sep 24, 2017
  2. UbgradeCZ

    UbgradeCZ User

    How did you do that you got so many planes? Otherwise good airport :)