Support Black Screen fix 2024

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by gergo166, Jun 3, 2024.

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  1. gergo166

    gergo166 User

    Read everything please!

    This method was tested on Win-64Bit-Launcher! I don't know if this works on the 32Bit variation!

    Hello guys, if you have a black screen and tried the cookie method, were you reject all cookie settings, save, reload the game and still has a black loading screen. Here is a step by step tutorial. Close the game ---> Right click on the starting icon ---> Click on "Open file location" ---> Find a "maintenancetoll.exe" ---> Double click on it and a window will pop up ---> Select "Update components" ---> At the bottom left corner a setting will pop up ---> Click on it, then select "No proxy" ---> Hit "OK" button, then at the bottom right corner hit "Next" (It should update the settings) ---> Now click on "Quit" and start the game ---> Before you login, click on bottom right on "Cookie settings" ---> Click on "Reject all cookies" then click on "Save and exit". Login the game, hit the "F5" (not the F+5 combination) button at least a good amount of time (for let out some steam and bad engine oil :D ) and wait for a bit. After spamming the buton, the game should start about in 5-25 seconds.

    Hope I could help the ones who struggeled just like me. Have a save flight!
  2. thanxs brow
  3. good morning . My game has become too slow. Can you please do something????

    name : drosostalida2
    ID : 2087142

    thank you very much
  4. I can't even enter the game o_O
  5. still having black screen
  6. Still have black screen!