Birthday Event 2012

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by teddy.bear, Dec 20, 2013.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Skyrama

    Birthday Event 2012


    Three cheers for Skyrama! We've been online for an entire year.
    We never would have made it without you and, to say thanks,
    from June 6th - 17th 2012
    we'll be pulling out all the stops and celebrating airport-style!


    Gift of the Wild Blye Yonder
    Time: 6 Minutes
    Cost: 1 Passengers
    Reward: 4 EP

    Diet bomber
    Time: 1 Hour
    Cost: 320 Passengers
    Reward: 200 AirCoins, 16 EP

    Hip Hip Ha Plane
    Time: 1 Hour
    Cost: 150 Passengers
    Reward: 210 AirCoins, 19 EP

    Time: 4 hours
    Cost: 40 Passengers
    Reward: 350 AirCoins, 30 EP​
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