Bigger, Better, XXL... this year ???

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Xtreme-Plt, Oct 9, 2015.

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  1. Air-Base

    Air-Base Guest

  2. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    Air-Base: It would be nice if we got the information at the same speed as the Germans do - so we are not treated as 2´nd class players here.... in English, please

    The language for International Aviation is English.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  3. Norway

    Norway User

    I know what event's are on in November 2013, but not in 2015
  4. MrMungo

    MrMungo User

    Monday: 20% extra coins
    Thursday: Double passengers
    Friday: Double experience
    Saturday: Triple experience
    Sunday: 50% extra coins
    Norway likes this.