April Buddy Requests

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by CorvuS, Apr 1, 2014.

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  1. enemy_dave

    enemy_dave User

    I need Searama-clipper, please send.
  2. Add me -Kinger-Kinger-
  3. Hello ,
    My name is GamerChampion
    My user ID is 12062059
    My level is 4
    Please add me.
    Unimatrix_Airways likes this.
  4. I add you! :)
    Unimatrix_Airways likes this.
  5. Kadit1

    Kadit1 User


    I need some new buddy - Add me

    user id 11527458

    Unimatrix_Airways likes this.
  6. nezmysel

    nezmysel User

    Nick: nezmysel
    ID: 2106384

    Add me please
    Unimatrix_Airways likes this.
  7. girlsabc

    girlsabc User

    Please add me
    Name: girlsabc
    User ID: 12057853
    Airport is in Russia
    Level 11
  8. serejkaggg

    serejkaggg User

    My nickname is serejkaggg
    Airport is in Madagascar
    Level: 56
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2014
    Unimatrix_Airways likes this.
  9. muck69

    muck69 User

    Nick: muck69
    ID: 140227
    Level 61
    ela839 likes this.
  10. dom767

    dom767 User

    Nick: dom767
    ID: 12060516
    Level: 17

    Any help with:
    4 Rama-XS-Turbo
    4 Rama-M-Turbo
    would be greatly greatly appreciated!!
  11. josele300

    josele300 User

    good afternoon I'm josele300 airport is in Spain
  12. Dibatag06

    Dibatag06 User

    Hello everybody, I am new to this game and so I am looking for new buddies. I am currently doing a mission where I need to return four Rama M Turbo. If anyone is willing to help by sending those planes, I would be really grateful. My name is Dibatag06, User ID:12074600 and country is Belgium and I am level 12.
  13. Dibatag06

    Dibatag06 User

    Hey, I also need help with 4 Rama M turbo, let's help each other?
  14. looking for buddy

    level 6

    Country Canada
    id 12084461
    name: KerakDragon



    user ID: 12074706
    User Name: yamanugur

    Hı return 4 M Rama Turbo Please
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