
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ralf_s76, Oct 26, 2015.

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  1. ralf_s76

    ralf_s76 User

    Good morning Skyrama-Players.
    i am ralf_s76 from Germany.

    We started a plane-support-mission during the waterplanes-event with the ducks.

    The purpose of the mission:
    The players with many planes in high Levels helped the players in low levels with fewer planes in order to get enough event currency – ducks :) All players were able to get the event-items they wanted.

    This was the chat in the german forum:

    We made a list for all Low-Level-Supporters:

    We created signatures for all LowLevel-Supporters:

    and later on for all duck-hunters:

    The thread was copied in Poland:

    It was quite successful and a lot of fun.

    We are planning an Alien-Support-Mission now. And we have a new challenge. We want to


    You could create your own Support-Mission in your forum and we could join all Low-Level-Supporters and Alien-hunters. :)

    There are some players with more than 10.000 planes. This is quite craZy :D
    You know – Germans tend to globalize the mission. o_O Sorry for the really bad joke. :confused:

    If you want to spend some craZy flying days – please feel free to JOIN THE MISSION.

    Best regards.
    skyramaname: ralf_s76
    ID: 4790946
    airport in: Florida
    Level: 77
    home country: Germany
    skype: ralf.schmidt75
    i contacted you via Skype.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2015
  2. MrMungo

    MrMungo User

    This sounds like an excellent idea!
    10000 planes is crazy, must have some planes about 100 times! :O
    Norway, holzbock21 and ralf_s76 like this.
  3. holzbock21

    holzbock21 User

    10k ( 10.000 Planes ) haha that are our small Players.....

    We hope you will join our Mission

    skyramaname: holzbock21
    ID: 6405455
    airport in: West Australia
    Level: 88
    home country: Germany
    skype: holzbock20
    MrMungo likes this.
  4. ralf_s76

    ralf_s76 User

    our beloved holzbock21 is one of the craziest :D

    >>> DANGER <<<
    adding at your own risk ;)
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2015
    holzbock21 likes this.
  5. MrMungo

    MrMungo User

    I only have a measly 400 odd planes, but am happy to help others out if I can:
    Japan (but UK based)
    Skype: mrmungoooo
    Speak only a limited German though...
    ralf_s76 and holzbock21 like this.
  6. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    ralf_s76: Nice to see that you are giving some life to this forum - has been really dead for years. And you surely knows how to give a forum life ;)

    holzbock21. Great to see that you are coming back playing - many though you had left :(

    So ..

    WELCOME TO BOTH OF YOU :cool::po_O
    ralf_s76 and holzbock21 like this.
  7. holzbock21

    holzbock21 User

    TY for ya welcome WikingAir. You Guys in here have the chance to give this Forum life and heavy Traffic. Just write something and have Fun.

    We just try to bring Skyrama Players together. Our Mission is " play together - have Fun together " .

    Norway likes this.
  8. Norway

    Norway User

    How do we join ?
  9. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    You could post here ( I think Ralf read it here )

    Do you want to help (send many planes ) or get help:
    Your airport name:
    Airport country:
    Your ID:
    Openings hours for your airport:
    Airport equipment (number of runways - handling bays - helipads - seaports):
    Do you play with Quick service (yes/no):
  10. MrMungo

    MrMungo User

    To add some additional info based on WikingAir's post:
    Openings hours for your airport: 5.30 - 12am (GMT) although sometimes the airport is open all day if I am working from home.
    Airport equipment (number of runways - handling bays - helipads - seaports): 10 runways, 30 odd bays, 5 helipads, 3 seaports
    Do you play with Quick service (yes/no): Yes and no. Yes, during events the vast majority of the time, no other times.
    dupleshwaryadav and ralf_s76 like this.
  11. buffon1a

    buffon1a User

    Is there one for the next event i missed this one :(