Aircraft Ranking L

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Trackplus, Feb 7, 2020.

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  1. Rembri

    Rembri User

    Trackplus likes this.
  2. Trackplus

    Trackplus User


    Last edited: Mar 22, 2020
    Norway likes this.
  3. Trackplus

    Trackplus User


    When you have to insert airplanes do not put them all, but only the ones you have made new
    you made 3 new x doppel planes, insert the image of x doppel

    fcariepunter likes this.
  4. Last edited: Mar 29, 2020
  5. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2020
  6. szarvasferi likes this.
  7. Ci sono 432 maestri in totale. 6 ontonav 1 non è stato aggiunto.
  8. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

  9. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

  10. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

    Hi guys, after the event I wait for your updates and I hope other players will join in this ranking.
    Let your friends know about this ranking
    Thank you
    Hallo Leute, nach dem Event warte ich auf eure Updates und hoffe, dass andere Spieler an dieser Rangliste teilnehmen.
    Informieren Sie Ihre Freunde über dieses Ranking
  11. Trackplus

    Trackplus User


    Last edited: Apr 16, 2020
    szarvasferi and audi80td like this.
  12. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

  13. Rembri

    Rembri User

  14. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

    Hi Rembri
    you don't have to enter all the planes but only the ones you added
    if you had 10 doppel planes and now you have 20, insert the photo and I see that they are 10 more

    now I have fixed, in a moment I insert the update
  15. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

  16. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

  17. apa55

    apa55 User

    Hello Trackplus,
    User: apa55
    ID: 7831699
    From: Hungary
    Airport in: Hungary
    Level : 86
    szarvasferi, audi80td and Norway like this.
  18. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

  19. belikov_y

    belikov_y User


    Ім'я: belikov_y,
    ID користувача: 12966139
    Рівень: 92
    Від: Україна

    Аеропорт у: Україна
    szarvasferi and Trackplus like this.