Aircraft Ranking L

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Trackplus, Feb 7, 2020.

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  1. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

    Hi guys, after the event I wait for your updates and I hope other players will join in this ranking.
    Let your friends know about this ranking
    Thank you
    Hallo Leute, nach dem Event warte ich auf eure Updates und hoffe, dass andere Spieler an dieser Rangliste teilnehmen.
    Informieren Sie Ihre Freunde über dieses Ranking
  2. audi80td

    audi80td User

  3. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2020
    szarvasferi and audi80td like this.
  4. Trackplus

    Trackplus User


    The event is ending, prepare the updates of the new planes to be inserted
    For all the other players who still don't participate in this ranking, I invite you to join us and if they don't know how to insert the images, contact me so I will have the opportunity to explain them.

    Die Veranstaltung endet, bereiten Sie die Aktualisierungen der neuen Ebenen vor, die eingefügt werden sollen
    Für alle anderen Spieler, die noch nicht an diesem Ranking teilnehmen, lade ich Sie ein, sich uns anzuschließen. Wenn sie nicht wissen, wie sie die Bilder einfügen sollen, kontaktieren Sie mich, damit ich die Gelegenheit habe, sie zu erklären.​
  5. topgun123

    topgun123 User


    Last edited: Mar 17, 2020
  6. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

    ciao top, le immagini non si vedono ;)
    audi80td likes this.
  7. Hi Trackplus

    szarvasferi UserID: 6298327
    lvl 89
    Thank you:)
    audi80td likes this.
  8. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

  9. Trackplus

    Trackplus User


    first update

    second update

    szarvasferi likes this.
  10. topgun123

    topgun123 User

    Sorry Track
    but I see them well
    Try again

    (Scusa Track ma io le vedo bene. Riprovo )








    I put them double because I don't know which ones you can see
    le ho messe doppie perchè non so quali riesci a vedere
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2020
    dany2376, Trackplus and Norway like this.
  11. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

    I can't see them, I tried to enter both with google and with opera but I see so
    I don't know if the problem is mine alone, I would like to understand if others can see the images

    Io non riesco a visualizzarle, ho provato ad entrare sia con google che con opera ma vedo cosi
    Non so se il problema è solo mio, mi piacerebbe capire se gli altri riescono a vedere le immagini
    topgun123 likes this.
  12. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

    I do not see the images inserted by Topgun, kindly someone can insert them again hoping then to see them thanks
  13. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

  14. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

    I insert my planes, they are already updated in the ranking


  15. Zooz67

    Zooz67 User

  16. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

  17. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

  18. Trackplus

    Trackplus User


    audi80td, szarvasferi and Norway like this.
  19. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

  20. Rembri

    Rembri User

    Hallo Trackplus,

    Een vraag: ik krijg het niet voor elkaar om de plaatjes in een bericht te krijgen, zoals jij dat hier doet.
    Heb je een programma of methode die je hiervoor gebruikt?
    audi80td likes this.