Air coins = air cash

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by forestgrump, May 28, 2015.

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  1. The way the game is set up as when it all started it was easy there was no complaints about air cash because there was barley even a thing that cost air cash but now its MAYHEM there now should be a way to get air cash easier it should be level 20 you can get a bank ether from a quest or buying a bank for 5 to 10 thousand dollars and the set out would be like this
    Bank of Air Cash
    Air Coin Air cash
    $1000 $10
    $10000 $50
    $100000 $100
    $1000000 $1000
  2. lesmurdie

    lesmurdie User

    the game developers need to make real money, to keep game working. but some better prizes for aiming at harder things? visit every country to receive 50 aircash?
  3. you get a cargo plane for visiting every country
  4. but the cargo plane has no uses when you reach level 20 because you have better planes!
  5. Thisisu

    Thisisu User

    you still need cargo planes to get the resources to fill your shops