Adding a Chat box would be nice

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by JAWS210, Oct 29, 2015.

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  1. JAWS210

    JAWS210 User

    Adding a chat box to the game would be nice, kinda like Dark Orbit has that way we can find out who is on line and who is not... Of course there is always the issue of Mods and so on. Just one global chat would work. Just have Mods that speak different languishes on so they can spot inappropriate behavior.
    Bullcamden likes this.
  2. i guess its never gonna happen i wish it would :l
  3. Peteto1

    Peteto1 User

    Why not?
  4. sdoz

    sdoz User

    I also think that chat is needed here.
    in order to communicate and order the planes that you need even in the building or just chat!
    Leemonade likes this.