24hr timer to collect event prizes

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by fyboy63, Mar 23, 2015.

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  1. fyboy63

    fyboy63 User

    The events are cool except they end sometimes in the middle of the night, depending in what part of the world you live. Be nice once the event ended there'd be a 24hr clock before you lose all points accumulated. I had almost 250 points, woke up and they're gone. There are some people that dump alot of $$ into this during events, so losing them all is BS imho :0)
  2. Jetbo

    Jetbo User

    You can always check the events calendar to see when they end
    holzbock21 likes this.
  3. Jetbo

    Jetbo User

    I would like to see the "Happy hour" moved around to different time slots. And maybe you could announce them with a 24 hour warning instead of 45 minutes.
    In my time zone happy hour is on between 4 and 5 am. Doesn't seem fair.