10 Million Event 2012

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by teddy.bear, Dec 20, 2013.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Skyrama

    10 Million Event 2012


    This week is celebration week!

    We have hit 10 million registrations, thanks to all of you!

    Log in and celebrate with us!

    Million decoration
    (this decoration can only be purchased once)

    Purchase Price: 1 AirCoin
    Requires: 3 x 3 boxes
    Brings: + 10 passengers
    RADIUS: 1


    MillionAir X - M aircraft

    Purchase Price: 50 AirCash
    Available: LVL 45
    Flight time: 12 hours.
    Cost: 350 passengers.
    Reward: 950 AirCoins, 95 EP​

    Aircraft remains also after end of event in the shop!

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