10 FPS?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by zonixxx, May 28, 2023.

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  1. zonixxx

    zonixxx User

    After I have more than 1,000 planes on my radar, the game starts twitching. Everything hangs every 5 seconds... Is there anything you can do about it?
    name: ^zonixxx^
    ID: 13815576
  2. sercool

    sercool User

    I've had it for years. With a large number of planes (13500) and a large number of friends and a large number of players, despite the fact that I have a fast optical fiber, the game clock stutters and the game also
    topgun123 likes this.
  3. zonixxx

    zonixxx User

    Did you say BE? How did you fix it... ? - Did you stop playing? :Д
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