Suggestion On and off function for Skyramas Cashcow

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Soddis, Jan 22, 2020.

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  1. Soddis

    Soddis User

    The cashcow is just annoying and in the way if u don't need it, and u can sometimes click on it by accident which is annoying. Especially for higher leveled people, because they will have even less need for the 20 aircoins it gives you. Also sometimes there comes this message on the screen ''The time to serve an aircraft has run out'', and u can get scared and think its an aircraft from a person, but then u realise that its just that cashcow thats tricking u. And it pops up a lot, so i would like there to be a turn on or off function. :)
  2. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Board Administrator Team Skyrama

    Hello Soddis,

    the coincord (system aircraft) is important for this game and cannot simply be switched off. It ensures the transfer of your data to the server. Therefore, it is even important to handle this plane from time to time.If it no longer comes, you may no longer have contact with the server and possibly a rollback. Therefore, the game should be updated at the latest when the coincord no longer come. :)

    As you can see, your suggestion is not feasible, otherwise the game would no longer work. ;)

    Kind regards,
    jank1961 likes this.
  3. Soddis

    Soddis User

    I see.. Okay so it has a hidden function.. that's cool. Well i guess its not too bad of a problem that its there then, so it's fine to just overlook i guess. :) ty for answer!
  4. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Board Administrator Team Skyrama

    Hello Soddis,

    thank you for your answer, because this is not feasible, I conclude here. :)

    Kind regards,

    ~Thread closed~
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