
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by AblazinEagle1, Mar 28, 2014.

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  1. how about emergencies eg the plane catches on fire that would be awsome
  2. bln-sxf

    bln-sxf User

    yeah, great.

    and how about a plane crashing into sky-scraper?
  3. emergencies would make the game more realistic -.-
  4. bln-sxf

    bln-sxf User

    but not necessarily better
  5. @AblazinEagle1 ... adding emergencies or incidents is a cool idea.
    @bln-sxf ... I see your point, I'd like to NOT see plane crashes either.

    Ideas For Emergencies / Incidents / Ideas ( Expanded )
    • Flight Diversions ... flights could appear in either "your" or "buddies" listing with a small window turn time and make a different notification sound... Utilizing security to remove unruly or criminal passengers... Utilize the Fire Department for passengers experiencing a medical issue... Also, this would generate vehicles on the landing pads not seen currently in Skyrama.
    • Runway Deterioration ... Rubber needs to be cleaned from Runways at times over the life-span.
    Those of just some of the many ideas I'd like to share regarding this topic of Emergencies!

    See you in the Skys!
    Unimatrix_542 ( UnimatrixAirways )
  6. its perfect
    Unimatrix_Airways likes this.
  7. @AblazingEagle1 ... thank you for the reply mate!

    I do wonder if the forum mods relay this ideas to the game creators?

    See you in the Skys!
  8. marce6123

    marce6123 User

    it would be brilliant, you should also be able to repair them in the engineering bay, and if the runway is placed infront of a skyskraper or something, and realisticly the plane would hit it, it should cause an accedent.
  9. sonikgod2

    sonikgod2 User

    This would be really great. But it would mean you would have to build roads and thats space some people don't have