All Cargo planes from Skyrama

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by olandiano, Apr 1, 2020.

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  1. olandiano

    olandiano User

    I made here the info what could bring the Cargo planes for the construction of the L planes.
    I hope i don't forgot one...





    I hope there are no mistakes....if so, i am sorry for that.:)

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2020
    -Muriska-, sercool, Kimmy and 9 others like this.
  2. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    olandiano.. thank you so very much for the cargo list.. absolutely awesome of you & so very much appreciated.. have a nice time.. take care & stay safe.. kind regards Jan ;-) <3
  3. Trackplus

    Trackplus User

    beautiful table thanks I needed it, I wasn't looking at the components and I kept building L planes, now that I'm left without I have to rearrange my cargo planes, thanks;)
    Norway, audi80td, Jet-Jumbo and 2 others like this.
  4. wizard49

    wizard49 User


    Waouh !!!!! quel boulot ! Merci Olandiano

    jank1961 and olandiano like this.